Using Dexterity Mechanics to Promote Table Presence
Get your players moving! A silent table of players staring at cards attracts much less attention than some visible activity with eye-catching components.
Keeping the table lively, flavor text, and other stuff including mechanics that get players jumping, laughing and shouting
Get your players moving! A silent table of players staring at cards attracts much less attention than some visible activity with eye-catching components.
Big in every way. Big table presence. Big wallet presence. Big wall presence (huh?) Big cognitive presence. Big player presence. Let’s go for a ride on 18OE!
Get those players laughing. How? Push the boundaries. Which boundaries? How far? In what directions? Munchkin illustrates a few angles to approach the issue.
Flavor text can trigger laughter. And when I hear a bunch of gamers laughing at the local pizza parlor, I wonder: What are they playing? And WHY is it so funny?
You don’t have to like a drinking game to learn from it.
Reading a rulebook doesn’t attract attention to the table.